Hello, we are a video marketing company serving the English-speaking Chareidi crowd in Israel. We market Jewish nonprofits, Jewish services, and Jewish products. We’re looking for a full-time video editor to join our team. We’d love someone who can work from home, but we also understand that finding reliable internet access in Israel can be tough.
Video Marketing for Chareidim. The Yeshivos Project creates original, high-quality videos for English-speaking Chareidim, in Israel and worldwide. We use creative and professional scenes to tell stories about Chareidim in the media context of today’s dynamic world. Our content speaks to a wide audience and gets attention from people from all walks of life. The Yeshivos Project is a video marketing company that serves English-speaking Chareidim. Our videos are used by Jewish organizations and businesses to promote themselves, their services, and their products. We work with people from all walks of life to create content that speaks to a wide audience.
Israel is a rapidly growing community of many different people and cultures. Many of these people speak English, and each has their own unique style. We provide video content in that style, with a focus on Jewish topics and products. The Yeshivos Project is a video marketing company that serves English-speaking Chareidim. Our videos are used by Jewish organizations and businesses to promote themselves, their services, and their products. We work with people from all walks of life to create content that speaks to a wide audience. Israel is a rapidly growing community of many different people and cultures. Many of these people speak English, and each has their own unique style. We provide video content in that style, with a focus on Jewish topics and products. The Yeshivos Project is a video marketing company that serves English-speaking Chareidim. Our videos are used by Jewish organizations and businesses to promote themselves, their services, and their products. We work with people from all walks of life to create content that speaks to a wide audience
#yeshiva #jewish #israel #shabbat #frum #shabbos #jewishmemes #torah #jewishhumor #jewishlife #jew #seminary #yeshivish #judaism #simchaspotted #yeshivaworld #kosher #yeshivalife #orthodox #shidduch #lakewood #shidduchim #israeli #amyisraelchai #theturntjew #sephardic #breslov #dating #humor #jewishboy